
Dependable Telemonitoring of Hundreds of Trash Compactors

Remote communication using cellular routers helps improve waste disposal services and save costs
Disposing of waste is a challenging task for all kinds of companies in this day and age. iSustain supervises waste disposal and recycling for commercial customers, no matter where in the world their operations are based. We provide local haulage services and acts as a single point of contact. This simplifies the payment process and lowers the total cost of managing waste and recycling. To allow the operating condition of its trash compactors to be monitored, reliable and wireless communication is essential. 

iSustain guarantees risk-free savings utilizing your existing hauling service. There is no equipment to purchase or maintain, no employees to involve, and there is no capital outlay. If savings aren’t realized within 60 days, we will remove our equipment and reimburse you for any pre-qualified expenses you have incurred.

Lower cost operation is yours with iSustain’s managed waste services

We will install our waste monitor to your existing compactor and digitally measure container fullness levels with 99% accuracy. Our computers and trained staff monitor the compactor 24 hours per day. The most efficient pick up time is then determined based on customer needs and hauler response time. When the container is ready, we notify the hauler for pick up. In this way, charges for unnecessary and costly pick-ups are eliminated.

Make sure you don’t pay full price for a half-full container!

Pressure gauges and indicator lights will misinterpret common jams and surges as a “COMPACTOR FULL” condition because they record only a SINGLE threshold reading. Our technology processes over 256 readings for each compaction-analyzing compactor container fullness levels—24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Save from 10% to 40% off your current costs. This form of wireless communication solution has brought about significant cost savings and enabled a marked improvement in remote troubleshooting and diagnostics.