The question of recycling advantages is still relevant. As a result, in this post you will find out some of the ecological benefits companies may get from implementing cardboard recycling programs.
Cardboard and other paper based products are made in the similar way i.e. from tree pulp. As factories and distribution centers usually produce very clean cardboard waste, commonly this material is simple to recycle into new products, minimizing our need to harvest trees for wood pulp. For instance, reusing only 1 ton of cardboard can conserve over 17 trees. Find more Paper recycling facts here.
The pulping process needed for producing paper based items demands an enormous amount of water. By introducing cardboard recycling programs at your manufacturing, you could help to decrease water consumption by over 7,000 gallons for every ton of recycled material.
Producing paper from virgin trees makes requires by far more power than using recycled materials such as cardboard. Consequently, companies can help to reduce power intake by over 5,000 Kwh per ton of cardboard they recycle. What is more, by recycling you help to minimize the usage of fossil fuels as well as other energy resources that cause greenhouse effect because of gas emissions. In other words, for every ton of recycled cardboard, your company helps to reduce 1 ton of carbon dioxide emissions, apparently helping the United States reach its recommended greenhouse gas reduction targets of 17% by 2020. Which we are on track to fall just short of according to this report.
These are just some of the positive effects your business’s cardboard recycling program could have for the environment. Beside these benefits, removing recyclable products from your waste to landfill stream typically lowers disposal expenses and might bring you thousands of dollars. For more information concerning the favorable impacts your business can have from establishing a cardboard reusing program, contact us today.