As an essential provider to many large Retail and Food Manufacturers/Distributors throughout the United States, iSustain Recycling has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and doing what we can to conduct business safely and keep the recyclables moving for all our customers and suppliers.
We understand that COVID-19 has made it difficult for our customers and suppliers to travel in person. We understand that their company may have specific policies in place and specific safety protocols during travel and might even be required to self-quarantine post-trip before returning to work. Even with all of this in place, below is proof that sometimes even the best laid out plans can not cover all potential instances.
Recently, three of our employees had arrived the evening before an audit of a large Grocery Distribution center iSustain services in the Northeast. They were to meet in person the next morning with three associates from the corporate offices in order to educate them verbally and visually on their recycling programs. At approximately 6 pm iSustain was notified that one of the three associates from corporate had been in close contact with someone who had contracted COVID-19 and they were going to have to cancel the audit. This was very disappointing to them (and us). Obviously first and foremost we were worried as were they about the health issue they may have been exposed to, but also because this was a very important, necessary, and time-sensitive meeting for us all.
Our team was determined to offer a solution that could still allow the meeting to happen. After a quick brainstorming session, we determined we could offer a live stream video tour and audit of the facility, complete with 2 different camera angles and a real-time Q and A during the live stream. Our supplier was willing to give it a try but was skeptical as were we. As it turns out, we were both wrong and it went off better than expected. In fact, the entire live stream was recorded and will now be used for further training and explanation to others.
Needless to say, iSustain has now added “Livestream Facility Tours and Audits” to our ever-growing list of services we can look forward to offering our suppliers and customers and suppliers during this era of COVID-19 and beyond. Please contact us to find out more about how iSustain can provide you with your own Livestream Facility Tour and Audit or any other safe and personalized recycling solutions we offer.
We look forward to talking with you and learning more about your challenges. iSustain can work with you to improve recycling rates, select the right recycling equipment, reduce your logistics costs, and improve your bottom line.
(423) 668-0111 | [email protected]